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‘Peru and the City: A Pride Comedy Show’ to Showcase Gay Life in Houston

A photo of Peru Flores in Peru and the City.

The struggle is familiar and has been echoed by countless actors of color: “There were no parts for me, other than the ‘struggling friend,’ the ‘drug dealer,’ or the ‘misfit,’” says actor and writer Peru Flores, who will appear in his own comedy show, Peru and the City, this month at Rich’s in Houston. Flores’ family moved to Midland–Odessa, Texas, from Peru when he was a young teen. In the small town of oil workers and farmers, Flores was taken…

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Welcome to the ‘Gay Shame Parade’: An HTX Queer Comedy Show

A photo of queer comedy show the Gay Shame Parade.

After the spotlight locks onto the mic and the door to the back room shuts, host Bob Morrissey steps to the front of the jet black room with a Lone Star in his hand and a relaxed grip on the microphone. The lone disco ball spins in the dark above his almost impressively unkempt hair. Within five minutes, Morrissey introduces the show with a story about how he managed to be more impressed with the Hitchcock film Strangers on a Train…

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Feel My Pride Too: Comedian Sampson Joins The T.R.U.T.H. Project for One-Night-Only Pride Experience

A photo of gay comedian Sampson.

Comedy as a catalyst for change. Laughter as a social conversation starter. These are the tools openly gay artist and comedian Sampson uses in his daily work—and he loves every minute of it. “I’ve been doing it for over two decades now,” Sampson shares. “I was one of the first Black, openly gay stand up comedians in the country and I’ve used [my work] to bring awareness to a lot of our issues as LGBTQ people. It’s about visibility, dispelling…

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