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AFAF 1: Queer Pleasure and Disability with Drew Gurza

A photo of Dr. Laura McGuire on gender roles.

In the inaugural episode of the Asking for a Friend podcast, host Dr. Laura McGuire sits down with Drew Gurza, disability awareness consultant, podcaster, and co-author of The Handi Book of Love, Lust & Disability, to discuss ableism in queer dating, the nuance of coming out, the sex tech industry, and how sex work is part of disability justice. Follow Drew on Instagram @drewgurza, on Twitter @drewgurza, and at You can subscribe to their podcast, Disability After Dark, on all…

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The Path to Pride: A Road Traversed Together

A photo of queer pride.

Pride can take many forms. It can come from receiving a perfect score on an exam you’ve studied all night for; landing that dream job; or even from smaller victories, such as simply managing to make your bed in the morning. Yet, finding pride in ourselves, in our very being, identity, and personhood, doesn’t always come as easily—it is hard earned and often a long time coming. This sentiment rings true for Houstonian Kelly Sanders, who, like many queer people, did…

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