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AFAF 1: Queer Pleasure and Disability with Drew Gurza

A photo of Dr. Laura McGuire on gender roles.

In the inaugural episode of the Asking for a Friend podcast, host Dr. Laura McGuire sits down with Drew Gurza, disability awareness consultant, podcaster, and co-author of The Handi Book of Love, Lust & Disability, to discuss ableism in queer dating, the nuance of coming out, the sex tech industry, and how sex work is part of disability justice. Follow Drew on Instagram @drewgurza, on Twitter @drewgurza, and at You can subscribe to their podcast, Disability After Dark, on all…

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Skin Hunger: Navigating Disabled Sexuality in Quarantine

A photo of a queer, disabled person.

By Jaxson Benjamin Author’s Note: This article space centers disabled sexuality because, for the most part, we are left out of the conversation. The narratives around disability and sexuality frequently regard us as partial, lacking in sexuality, or not whole people. Rewriting sexual scripts around disability means centering the lived experiences of people with disabilities.  Does that mean that you if you don’t identify as disabled that you aren’t welcome here?  You are very welcome, whether you live with a…

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Queers Who Cover: Finding Pride and Healing as a Queer, Disabled Quaker

A photo of Bailey Gammon, a disabled, lesbian, Quaker who chooses to wear a head covering.

I have always loved God. Yes, at times, I couldn’t stand to be around organized religion. And yes, at times, I even wanted to embrace Agnosticism or Atheism, simply because of the pain I felt from having religion weaponized against me. But even still, I could not escape the joy and validity of my relationship with the divine. As I have made peace with my queerness, I have also begun to re-embrace those aspects of religion and the church that…

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