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Dr. Colt Keo-Meier

Revolutionizing Gender Care from the Inside Out, with Dr. Colt Keo-Meier at UTMB in Galveston

An illustration of gender care at UTMB.

Only in the last few years or so has access to hormone therapy for the transgender and gender non-conforming population become more readily available in the South. Yet, recipients are often barred from hormone therapy by “medical gatekeeping,” which requires each patient to produce a letter of diagnosis and recommendation from a licensed mental health professional and attend up to six months of psychotherapy. Thanks to WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) and people like Dr. Colt Keo-Meier, however,…

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The Gender Affirmative Model: APA Publishes Groundbreaking Book on Caring for Trans and Gender Expansive Youth

A photo of Dr. Colt Keo-Meier, co-editor of The Gender Affirmative Model.

Attacks on transgender and gender expansive individuals stem directly from a lack of knowledge and understanding. This ignorance has found its way into places like state capitol buildings and schools, where it affects the most vulnerable individuals—children. Education is the key to combating this issue, and—with the release of their groundbreaking book, The Gender Affirmative Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children—Dr. Colt Keo-Meier and Dr. Diane Ehrensaft aim to provide such education in a way…

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