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Answering the Call: My Path to Queer Ministry

A photo of queer ministry.

For as long as I can remember, there’s been a drumming in my heart—a subtle pulse asking me to listen, inviting me to hear its message. This sound has, at times, been a dull murmur, something I can drown out with the distractions of life. At other times, it is a profound drumbeat, silencing everything else. This drumming is the call to ministry, something I have long ignored or made excuses to avoid.…

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Should LGBTQ+ Folx Leave the Christian Church?

A photo of a Christian cross.

Over the past several months, LGBTQ+ folx have been overrun with spotlight as Christian denominations’ dysfunction has been prominently displayed. It has never been an easy feat to identify as both a Christian and LGBTQ+, but in the modern day, some would say that they are completely opposing viewpoints. Balancing the two can feel like hiding both of your identities under a rock. With the recent headlines surrounding the Southern Baptist Church’s and the United Methodist Church’s decisions on LGBTQ+…

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