Moving Beyond New Year’s Resolutions: Succeed in 2024

A photo of New Year's resolutions.

Photo by Aleksandr Popov.

By Mx. Jacob Kelley

As the year comes to an end, many of us feel compelled to set New Year’s resolutions for 2024. This tradition, while well-meaning, often leads to short-lived commitments that fade by February. Why? Because we often view resolutions as temporary changes rather than lifelong transformations. The journey toward personal and professional success requires more than mere resolutions—it calls for a shift toward a goal-setting mindset. So what’s the difference between a resolution and a goal? Resolutions often revolve around breaking a habit or altering a behavior. These changes require time, patience, and sustained effort. Conversely, goals are measurable, achievable targets we set for ourselves, designed to guide us toward our aspirations. Here are a few tips and tricks to overcome our short-term need for gratification and push forward to a more sustainable feeling of accomplishment. 

To begin, break significant goals into smaller, manageable milestones. This strategy lets you stay focused and motivated as you witness your progress. For instance, if you aspire to lead an LGBTQIA+ advocacy group, start by volunteering at local events, then gradually take on more leadership roles. Small steps of consistency can lead you to significant outcomes in your journey. The road to achieving goals can be challenging. It’s punctuated with setbacks, challenges, and moments of self-doubt. But remember, these are part of the process, not barriers to your success. Maintaining patience and consistency in adversity is a testament to your resilience. Embrace a long-term perspective. Changes don’t happen overnight. If you falter, remind yourself of the bigger picture and get back on track. Remember, every step, no matter how small, is a stride toward your ultimate goal.

Motivation fuels our journey toward our goals. However, staying motivated requires strategic planning, especially when the going gets tough. Your “why” is the driving force behind your goal—it’s the reason you’re willing to put in the effort—the passion that ignites your determination. Identify your “why” and keep it at the forefront of your journey. Sharing your goals with trustworthy friends, mentors, or a support group can create a sense of accountability. They can provide encouragement, advice, and constructive feedback when needed. Ask yourself why you want to become a craft maker, drag performer, or business owner, return to school, or become healthier. Your reason becomes your reasoning anytime you need a reset; it can change over time.

Every step you take toward your goal is progress, no matter how small it might seem. Regularly tracking your progress helps maintain motivation and allows you to adjust your strategies if needed. Celebrate small victories. Recognizing your achievements, big or small, boosts your confidence and reinforces your commitment to your goal. To illustrate the power of goal setting, let’s look at a goal I had in 2023 as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. I aspired to become a published author. Instead of setting a vague resolution to “write more,” I set a clear goal: to finish a novel draft by June. I broke this goal into smaller milestones: writing a certain amount each week, finishing a chapter every month, and so on. Through consistent effort, patience, and the support of a local writing group, I completed the draft and published my book, Tipping is a Must!: 100 Tips for a Drag Show, later that year.

This story is just one among many. Each person’s journey is unique, but the underlying principles of goal setting, patience, and consistent effort remain the same.

For the LGBTQIA+ community, moving beyond New Year’s resolutions and embracing goal-setting can be a powerful tool for personal growth and success. This process requires a shift in mindset: from viewing changes as temporary resolutions to seeing them as stepping stones toward our goals. Let’s make this year not about resolutions but about achieving meaningful goals. Remember, you have the power to shape your journey. Here’s to a year of progress, success, and personal growth. Let’s get started!

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