All Posts By

Jacob Kelley

Don’t Create Safe Spaces: Shift Toward Safer Spaces

A photo of a queer person in a safe space.

In the wake of increasing societal awareness around the need to support marginalized communities, the concept of “safe spaces,” particularly in the context of the LGBTQA+ community, has come to the forefront. These spaces are designed to eliminate biases and microaggressions, creating environments that promote respect and inclusivity. But as appealing as this ideal sounds, the notion of a universal “safe space” is both unrealistic and potentially limiting. Let’s explore a more pragmatic approach: shifting from pursuing safe spaces to…

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Moving Beyond New Year’s Resolutions: Succeed in 2024

A photo of New Year's resolutions.

As the year comes to an end, many of us feel compelled to set New Year’s resolutions for 2024. This tradition, while well-meaning, often leads to short-lived commitments that fade by February. Why? Because we often view resolutions as temporary changes rather than lifelong transformations. The journey toward personal and professional success requires more than mere resolutions—it calls for a shift toward a goal-setting mindset. So what’s the difference between a resolution and a goal? Resolutions often revolve around breaking…

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Men’s Health: Beyond Traditional Notions of Masculinity

A photo of a man not conforming to traditional masculinity.

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and it is essential to recognize the challenges all men face, as well as how their identities and communities impact those hurdles. In general, men experience hardships related to societal expectations of their gender identities—the pressure to be masculine, maintain a specific appearance, and find fulfillment in their gender roles. This complexity expands when considering factors such as race, cisnormativity, sexual and romantic orientations, generational differences, and the intersectionality that all men carry.…

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Small Town, Big Dreams: Jacob Kelley’s Journey to Spread Queer-Inclusive Sex Education

A photo of Mx. Jacob Kelley.

I grew up in a rural town where being unapologetically bold and beautiful was the mark of a troublemaker. I was raised in an area where being queer or identifying with the LGBTQIA+ community was considered a sin, a bedroom secret never to be talked about. In my reality, it felt more like I should move or disappear in order to please the traditions of a predominantly white, heterosexual, cisgender, Christian, and country mindset.…

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