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Singing With Soul: Jasmine Branch on Life After Pride Superstar

A photo of Pride Superstar 2018 Jasmine Branch, aka Jassyb.

“I just can’t give up now, I’ve come too far from where I started from…” As Jasmine Branch, aka Jassyb, belts these words on stage, they come straight from her heart. She embodies them. “Can’t Give Up Now,” the song the Houston-based singer chose for her winning Pride Superstar 2018 performance, is definitive of both her journey during the competition, and within her life. No stranger to a challenge, Branch knows the importance of pursuing a goal until you emerge victorious.…

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Talk Derby to Me: Meet Valkyries Blocker 2xForce

A photo of Houston Roller Derby Valkyries blocker 2xForce.

When Houston Roller Derby Valkyries blocker Jessica Julien, aka 2xForce, rolls onto the skate track, everything melts away and the competition of the game begins. “For me, roller derby is an addiction,” she says. “I love competition, which is why I have been with the team for nine seasons and have been captain of our travel team for the past three years."…

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Dear Baby Dyke…

An illustration of a baby dyke rainbow.

Hey girl, I see you over there. I see you in the ways that others can’t—both the ways that render you invisible to the majority of society and the ways that make you stand out. You want to be yourself and yet, you want to disappear. That’s normal. Don’t concern yourself with what this all means right now. You are a chrysalis, a green slinking caterpillar of a queer kid, still needing the safety of your cocoon before you let…

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Out Loud: Musician Stephanie Rice is the Voice of the Next LGBTQ Generation

A photo of out musician Stephanie Rice.

We all need a voice—whether it’s our own or that of another—to lift us up, to comfort our hearts, and to bring us together. Through her incredible music and inspiring personal journey, Stephanie Rice is that voice for many LGBTQ millennials. Her singing chops aren’t that bad either. In May 2017, she finished in the top 11 of The Voice Season 12 and has since gone on to further her career as a professional singer-songwriter and musician.…

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Talk Derby to Me: Meet Psych Ward Sirens Skater Paula Cream-Her

A photo of roller derby girl Paula Cream-Her

For Amanda Carmona, aka Paula Cream-Her #4, finding roller derby was like finding the missing piece to the puzzle of life. Initially drawn in by the sport’s strong female leadership, Cream-Her stayed for its inclusive atmosphere, celebration of uniqueness, and team spirit. Spectrum South had the pleasure of chatting with Cream-Her about her journey of discovering her identity and roller derby, her love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and her rookie season with the Houston Roller Derby’s Psych Ward Sirens.…

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Talk Derby To Me: Meet Houston Roller Derby Production Manager Sweetie Todd

A photo of Houston Roller Derby's Sweetie Todd

“I wish I would’ve found it when I was a little younger,” laughs Belinda Pedraza, AKA Sweetie Todd. At age 55, she’s one of the oldest members of Houston Roller Derby (HRD), but arguably one of the most versatile. Sweetie joined the league over a decade ago and has been happily ingrained in the female-dominated sport ever since, volunteering her time first as a medic, then skater, official, coach, and now production manager.…

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Donate for a Date: Her Destination Unknown Hosts Annual AIDS Charity Auction

A photo of 2018 Her Destination Unknown auctionees.

Her Destination Unknown (HDU), a Houston-based queer women’s social club, is gearing up for their 8th annual AIDS charity auction on February 25 at Pearl Bar. The benefit will showcase 10 eligible queer ladies, who will donate their time in the form of a date to the highest bidder, with all proceeds going to a local LGBTQ organization that is walking in AIDS Walk Houston.…

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