AFAF 9: Sex Education in Black Southern Communities with Jasmine Phillips

On this episode of the Asking for a Friend podcast, host Dr. Laura McGuire sits down with sex educator, Ph.D. candidate, and disease intervention specialist Jasmine Phillips to discuss being a Black LGBTQ researcher, sexual satisfaction and communication among partners, healing generational trauma, and how to meet communities where they're at when it comes to sex education.…

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A Dream Realized: The Mahogany Project Opens Houston’s First Black Trans-Led Community Center

A photo of Mahogany Project members.

When I speak with Verniss McFarland III, founder of The Mahogany Project, the excitement is palpable. On February 26, the Houston-based non-profit will celebrate the grand opening of its new physical space, The Mahogany Project Center and, in turn, will become the first Black trans-led organization to open a brick-and-mortar location in the city.…

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What it is to be an Active Witness: T Lavois Thiebaud and Jason Nodler Talk Collaboration and the Catastrophic Theatre’s ‘4.48 Psychosis’

A photo of 4.48 Psychosis.

I first learned of the playwright Sarah Kane through Houston’s Catastrophic Theatre and founder Jason Nodler in 2011, just a few months after I embarked on a dance theater collaboration with a contemporary ballet and dance theater company I had followed avidly for many years. I was running off the high of what the best collaborative relationships can be. It was through that collaboration that I would meet and date one of the actors cast in the Catastrophic Theatre’s production…

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Unlearning Leviticus: Bridging the Gay-Christian Gap

A photo of the Gay-Christian gap.

However, from the boundaries of my own lived experience, and despite Christ “ending the old law,” Christians who condemn LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences often cite one Old Testament passage in particular, and there has perhaps been no text with a larger influence on attitudes toward gay people than the biblical book of Leviticus.…

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On Containing Multitudes: Discovering My Jewish Roots

A photo of a menorah, a part of Dr. Laura McGuire's Jewish faith.

When I was seven years old, I asked for a rather unusual gift—a menorah. Now, if I had been growing up in a Jewish household, this might not have seemed so out of place; but, as a second-grader who was raised between two Baptist and Catholic families—and attended a Methodist church—this was an odd request. Nevertheless, my mom took me to a craft store and we picked out a paint-it-yourself clay menorah with beautiful Stars of David all across it.…

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